18 ASME Section IV: Rules for the Construction of Heating Boilers
This chapter presents the rules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code, Section IV, constituting the minimum requirements for the safe design, construction, installation, and inspection of low-pressure steam boilers and hot-water Boilers (which are directly fired with oil, gas, electricity, or other solid or liquid fuels). It is divided into five parts and two sub-parts including several appendices. Part HG addresses the material requirements, design, pressure-relieving devices, tests, inspection, stamping, instruments, fittings and controls, and the installation of low-pressure steam-heating boilers, hot-water-heating boilers, hot-water-supply boilers, and the boilers’ appurtenances. Part HF, dealing with requirements for heating boilers constructed of wrought materials, has two sub-parts: HW and HB. The requirements of HW are applicable to heating boilers and their parts fabricated by welding. HB addresses the requirements for steam-heating boilers, hot-water-heating boilers, hot-water-supply boilers, and the boilers’ fabrication by brazing. The requirements of Part HC apply to steam-heating boilers, hot water-heating boilers, and hot-water-supply boilers and their parts, which are fabricated primarily of cast iron. The requirements of Part HA apply to hot water boilers constructed primarily of cast aluminum. Part HLW addresses the requirements for water heaters in commercial or industrial settings for supplying potable water at pressures not exceeding 160 psig (1100 kPa) and temperatures not exceeding 210°F (99°C). For each part, general requirements, material specifications, design parameters and calculations, fabrication requirements, and information on testing, inspection, and stamping are given. Appendices contained in this chapter include methods of checking safety valve and safety relief valve capacity; examples of methods of calculating a welded ring reinforced furnace; examples of methods of computation of openings in boiler shells; glossary; and two examples of manufacturer’s data report forms.