ASME Section XI, Subsection IWE, Requirements for Class MC and Metallic Liners of Class CC Components of Light-Water-Cooled Plants, provides requirements for preservice and inservice examination/inspection, repair/replacement activities, and testing of Class MC (metal containment) pressure-retaining components and their integral attachments and repair/replacement activities and testing of Class CC (concrete containment) pressure-retaining components and their integral attachments for Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) and Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). Similarly, Subsection IWL, Requirements for Class CC Concrete Components of Light-Water-Cooled Plants, provides requirements for preservice and inservice examination/inspection, repair/replacement activities, and testing of the reinforced concrete and post-tensioning systems of Class CC (concrete containment) components for BWRs and PWRs. Together with Subsection IWA, General Requirements, a comprehensive basis is provided for ensuring the continued structural and leak-tight integrity of containments in nuclear power plants.