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Consensus for the Lay-up of Boilers, Turbines, Turbine Condensors, and Auxiliary Equipment (CRTD-66)
The Turbine/Turbine Condenser Lay-up Task Group and the Boiler Lay-up Task group for the Water Technology Subcommittee of the ASME Research and Technology Committee on Water and Steam in Thermal Power Systems
The Turbine/Turbine Condenser Lay-up Task Group and the Boiler Lay-up Task group for the Water Technology Subcommittee of the ASME Research and Technology Committee on Water and Steam in Thermal Power Systems
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ASME Press
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This front matter contains the preface, acknowledgements, safety precautions, contents, and is available for free viewing by clicking on the PDF below.

eBook keywords: boilers, boiler lay-up fireside, boiler lay-up waterside, steam turbines, turbine condensers, reheater lay-up, hydrostatically tested, boiler inspection, chemicals for lay-up, turbine oil, feedwater heaters, feedwater deaerator.

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