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The Monte Carlo Ray-Trace Method in Radiation Heat Transfer and Applied Optics
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ASME Press
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A ray is defined as the collection of straight-line path segments followed by an energy bundle from its point of emission to its point of absorption. The definition includes the possibility of intermediate reflection, scattering, refraction, and even diffraction events. Ray tracing involves the application of basic mathematics to the process of identifying the intersection of ray segments with surfaces. Most engineering and science students acquire the required mathematical tools long before they enter university. The current chapter provides a review of the mathematical principles governing ray tracing and the related issues of meshing and indexing.
Ray tracing
Rays and Ray Segments
1.2The Enclosure
1.3Mathematical Preliminaries
1.4Ideal Models for Emission, Reflection, and Absorption of Rays
1.5Scattering and Refraction
1.6Meshing and Indexing
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