33 Modeling, Simulating, and Synthesizing of Simplified Kidney Function
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Researchers in the medical field are in constant search for innovative techniques to understand, explore, and test the function of biological mechanisms. Understanding the function of the mechanism could yield to developing effective drugs to treat diseases in the mechanism. An example of such mechanism is the renal system. Since in-vivo investigation of the mechanism is usually impractical or prohibited, we propose implementing a technique based on developing a mathematical model for the function of the mechanism. The model is simulated on the computer using Hardware Description Language (HDL) CAD packages. The simulation is synthesized on a compact electronic chip such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The chip, when correctly synthesized, will mimic the mechanism and will allow researchers to test and investigate the function of the mechanism. The chip, since it is compact, can be attached to the skin of the subject and monitor selected hormones through sensors. We have presented at ANNIE 2007 [1] the implementation of such technique on a very simplified renal system. In this paper we expand the work that has been done in 2007 by incorporating more hormones that play a role in the renal systems, specifically the anti diuretic hormone (ADH).