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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, Volume 16
Cihan H. Dagli
Cihan H. Dagli
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Anna L. Buczak
Anna L. Buczak
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David L. Enke
David L. Enke
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Mark Embrechts
Mark Embrechts
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Okan Ersoy
Okan Ersoy
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
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We studied about number of information copies on complex networks using simulation of percolation method and real data from the World Wide Web (WWW). In recent years, many researchers reported communication networks follow particular topology that is called complex network, which include the WWW, the Internet, and social networks. Percolation method has been used to study about error and attack tolerance of communication networks. Then, most paper focus on emergence of a large cluster that can divide network to some fragments. In this research, our objective is to show distribution of the number of information copies on complex networks with various fitness of information. The information fitness represented by occupied probability p in the percolation examination. To investigate the number of copies of information, we use both number of small and large clusters. Our key result is that the number of copies on complex networks has high frequency on middle number of copies than distribution on lattice. These results express that even if information have constant fitness, the number of information copies can distribute wide range.

1. Introduction
2. Studies on Computational Models for Information Epidemics
3. Information Propagation by a Sequence of Trackbacks
4. Conclusion
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