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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Inaugural US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy 2009 (UECTC 2009 Proceedings)
Y. Tao
Y. Tao
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C. Ma
C. Ma
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ASME Press
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Two-body interatomic potentials in the Morse potential form have been developed for bismuth telluride, and the potentials are used in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to predict the thermal conductivity. The density functional theory with local density approximations is first used to calculate the total energies for many artificially distorted Bi2Te3 configurations to produce the energy surface. Then by fitting to this energy surface and other experimental data, the Morse potential form is parameterized. The fitted empirical interatomic potentials are shown to reproduce the elastic and phonon data well. Molecular dynamics simulations are then performed to predict the thermal conductivity of bulk Bi2Te3, at different temperatures, and the results agree with experimental data well.

1 Introduction
2 Development of the Empirical Interatomic Potentials
3 Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Lattice Thermal Conductivity
4 Conclusions
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