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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Inaugural US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy 2009 (UECTC 2009 Proceedings)
Y. Tao
Y. Tao
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C. Ma
C. Ma
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ASME Press
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In order to improve the performance of the CO2 transcritical cycle, it is necessary to simulate the system and further to optimize each components and the whole system. So the mathematical model for transcritical CO2 water-to-water heat pump system with expander is developed. The effect of the inlet temperature of cooling water and its mass flow rate and the inlet temperature of chilling water and its mass flow rate on the system coefficient of performance is analyzed. The results show that for the cooling water, decreasing its inlet temperature and increasing its mass flow rate not only can increase the system performance but also can reducing the optimal heat rejection pressure. For the chilling water, increasing its inlet temperature and mass flow rate is favorable for increasing the system performance, while the optimal heat rejection pressure is not variable very much. And then the new CO2 transcritical water-to-water heat pump system is set up. The experimental results show that the coefficient of performance and the cooling capacity of the new system are increased on average 30% or so. In a word, the optimization results are verified by the experimental results and the optimization object is achieved.

1 Model Building
2 Verification of the Model
3 System Operation Characteristics
4 The Experimental Study
5 Conclusions
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