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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Inaugural US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy 2009 (UECTC 2009 Proceedings)
Y. Tao
Y. Tao
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C. Ma
C. Ma
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ASME Press
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The paper puts forward a triangle cavity receiver. Absorbing almost all the incident beam and with uniform temperature distribution on it, the triangle cavity can be used in Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC). A test stand that consists of the triangle cavity receiver is set up and experimental analysis of some important performance indicators such as the heat removal factor, collector efficiency factor and the time constant has been presented. It is found that the average efficiency is 47.1 % when the working temperature is 150 ◻ while it can be as high as 52% when the working temperature is 90 ◻. The efficiency of this system is almost the same with that of the system with evacuated tube, but it has good potential application for it is cheaper and manufactured more easily.

1 Testing System
2. Performance Indicators and Parameters
3. Result and Discussion
4 Conclusions
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