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Knowledge Tornado: Bridging the Corporate Knowledge Gap
Marcus Goncalves
Marcus Goncalves
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ASME Press
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We all would like to think that business affairs are essentially rational; that they work like any other tangible interaction in this world, and that we should therefore be able to gain from them as they work to our benefit. However, we just need to take a look at the financial section of any newspaper, the TV news, the financial bulletins, Wall Street, to realize that business is anything but rational.

This chapter discusses exactly that, the leader's dilemma in making sense out of something that makes no sense at all, the business world. In having to rely on his/her own instincts, and the corporation's instinct, as the only tangible source of information to address the gaps and challenges of business strategies and practices, leaders are more than ever before faced with the imperative need to understand what I call the science of bridging the gap. In other words, to understand how the way they think shapes what they see, and how paradox and absurdity inevitably play a major part in their every action.

Managing Chaos: A Sea of Gaps
What Bridges a Gap is a New Gap
All Things are Impermanent: Bridges Don't Last
Get Familiar with the Eye of the Knowledge Tornado Concept
Know What Matters
Maintain Your Network
Effective Leadership Does Not Avoid Conflicts
Bridging the Gap From the Top Down or From the Bottom Up?
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