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Continuing and Changing Priorities of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
K.R. Rao
K.R. Rao
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ASME Press
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The fundamental principles of hydrogen fusion make this process seem inevitable as a method of commercial power production. It is a clean power process, producing no harmful byproduct, using an inexhaustible supply of fuel, and hydrogen fusion is the source of all energy release in the larger universe, illumining countless galaxies with starlight. On a terrestrial, non-universal scale, hydrogen fusion can be accomplished on a table-top using a number of elementary procedures.

33A.1 Introduction
33A.2 The Fusion of Light Elements
33A.3 Terrestrial-Scale Fusion
33A.4 Terrestrial Power Production Theories
33A.5 References
33A.6 Nomenclature
33B.1 ITER Background
33B.2 ITER Design Description
33B.3 ITER Safety and Licensing
33B.4 References
33C.1 Introduction
33C.2 Nuclear Fusion in the US
33C.3 Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)
33C.4 ASME Standards
33C.5 References
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