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Continuing and Changing Priorities of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
K.R. Rao
K.R. Rao
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ASME Press
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NuScale Power's unique, scalable approach to the deployment of commercial nuclear plants provides the financial, schedule, supply chain, and workforce advantages that will broaden the market for commercial nuclear power. NuScale Power also offers a new level of safety that may simplify siting and increase public acceptance of nuclear power. Although novel in its deployment approach, the factory-fabricated NuScale Power Module (NPM) relies on well-known light-water reactor technology, significantly reducing technological and regulatory risks. Most importantly, the NuScale design has achieved the “Triple Crown of Nuclear Safety.” That is, a NuScale reactor can safely shutdown and self-cool for an indefinite period of time with no operator action, no AC power or DC power, and no additional water. The design also eliminates the possibility of many accidents from occurring and adds greater defense in depth to protect against even the most severe events such as occurred at the Fukushima Daiich plant in Japan. These remarkable advances in safety are achieved while offering all the financial benefits that come with small modular infrastructure.

32A Introduction
32A.1 Novel Approach to Small Modular Reactor Deployment
32A.2 Plant Design Overview
32A.3 Safety, Security, and Asset Protection
32A.4 Response to Extreme Events
32A.5 Test Programs
32A.6 Capturing the Economies of Small
32A.7 Ready for Market
32A.8 Summary
32A.9 References
32B.1 Introduction
32B.2 Plant Design
32B.3 Safety
32B.4 Modularization and Construction
32B.5 Operation and Maintenance
32B.6 Construction Code
32B.7 Licensing
32B.8 References
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