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Continuing and Changing Priorities of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
K.R. Rao
K.R. Rao
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ASME Press
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This chapter provides a discussion of probabilistic risk assessment, its origin and evolution, and insights from its usage in the nuclear power industry. It provides a comprehensive set of references on various topics related to PRA basics and applications. These may be used by the reader for delving into the items discussed in greater detail.

29.1 Summary and Background
29.2 Regulatory Interface with Nuclear Plant PRAs
29.3 PRA Standards and Technical Adequacy of PRAs
29.4 Significant PRA Applications
29.5 Summary of Insights from Utility Applications
29.6 Summary
29.7 Acronyms
29.8 Note
29.9 References
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