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Continuing and Changing Priorities of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
K.R. Rao
K.R. Rao
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ASME Press
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This chapter focuses on the historical development of pressure relief, from its early days to present, as well as the application of pressure relieving requirements and pressure relieving devices (PRDs). Its purpose is not to re-cite ASME code rules, per se, as there are many books in circulation which cover that subject very well [1,2], but to provide designers and owners an insight on applying code rules more effectively for pressure equipment. While the focus is toward pressure vessels, other pressure equipment will be addressed such as boilers, piping, and tankage. Nuclear application is not discussed.

28.1 Introduction
28.2 Terminology
28.3 History of Pressure Relief Devices
28.4 ASME Codes and Jurisdictional Requirements
28.5 American Petroleum Institute Pressure Relief Standards
28.6 Summary
28.7 Acknowledgments
28.8 References
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