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Continuing and Changing Priorities of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
K.R. Rao
K.R. Rao
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ASME Press
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Fatigue is one of the most frequent causes of failure in pressure vessels and piping components. Fatigue strength is sensitive to design details such as stress raisers, and to a myriad of material and fabrication factors, including welding imperfections. Fatigue is also sensitive to often unforeseen operating conditions such as flow induced vibrations, high cycle thermal mixing, thermal striations, and environmental effects. What is somewhat surprising is the large number of fatigue failures which are directly related to poorly chosen design and fabrication details. The ASME Code, and other International Codes and Standards have not been successful in preventing the use of design and fabrication details that are inappropriate for cyclic service. The ASME Code was one of the first Codes and Standards to treat design for fatigue life explicitly.

5.1 Background
5.2 Use of Strain-Controlled Fatigue Data
5.3 Stress/Strain Concentration Effects
5.4 Effect of Mean Stress
5.5 Fatigue Failure Data
5.6 Procedure for Fatigue Evaluation
5.7 Cumulative Damage
5.8 Exemption from Fatigue Analysis
5.9 Experimental Verification of Design Fatigue Curves
5.10 Use of Mean Stress Corrections and Cyclic Stress-Strain Properties
5.11 Current Code Determinations for New Fatigue Design Life Evaluation Curves
5.12 Proposed New Fatigue Design Curves for Austenitic Stainless Steels, Alloy 600 and Alloy 800 in Air
5.13 Developments in Environmental Fatigue Design Curves for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels in High Temperature Water
5.14 Developments in Environmental Fatigue Design Curves for Austenitic Stainless Steels
5.15 Environmental Fatigue Temperature Corrections
5.16 Current Regulatory Status
5.17 Key Literature
5.18 References
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