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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 3rd, (ICMET-China 2011), Volumes 1–3
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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the paper by using computer virtual instrument development platform Lab VIEW and PCI - 1200 data acquisition card etc corresponding hardware design realized the virtual digital oscilloscopes, so-called virtual instrument technique is users, according to the need of testing tasks to define and design instruments test functions, namely through the application of computer and function module generic hardware combined, users can through friendly graphical interface to operate the computer, as in operating their definition, the design of your own a single instrument, thus completing the same tested amount of collection, analysis, judgement, display, data storage, etc. Virtual instrument mainly by both hardware and software components, including hardware mainly includes computer and necessary computer instrument hardware modules. Software is the LabVIEW graphical application program design based on the object-oriented technology and data flow technology.

Key Words
1. Problems Put Forward
2. Virtual Oscilloscope Design and Implementation
3. Use Experimental Examples
4. Close and Summarizes
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