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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 3rd, (ICMET-China 2011), Volumes 1–3
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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There are numerous applications of gas turbine in the aerospace industry such as in liquid rocket engines. In this paper, stresses of gas turbine blade of turbopump unit used in liquid rocket engine are investigated using finite element (FE) analysis. Due to the complexity of the geometry, a three-dimensional (3-D) solid modeling of the blade and a part of the disc was first created on CAD software and subsequently exported to a FE package for analysis. Stresses developed due to the real turbine operating conditions were analyzed, taking into consideration the material behavior at elevated temperatures. The FE results reveals that the greatest stresses in the blade result from thermal and rotational loads owing to the relatively high operating speed and temperature of the turbine, while bending stresses on the blade due to gas pressure are significantly lower than those due to rotation and thermal. Finally the stresses at the blade due to thermal load are shown to be higher than those for all the mechanical loads rotation and gas pressure.

Key Words
1. Introduction
2. Description of the Gas Turbine Blade
3. Finite Element Modeling
4. Results and Discussion
5. Summaries
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