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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 3rd, (ICMET-China 2011), Volumes 1–3
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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The aim of DeWaLoP (Developing Water Loss Prevention) project is to redevelop the pipe joints of fresh water cast-iron pipes by building a robot that crawls into water pipelines and is able to apply a restoration material to repair the pipes. In this paper a description of the Dynamical Independent Suspension System (DISS) of the DeWaLoP system is presented, this DISS enables the robot to redevelop the pipe joints by maintaining its position in the centre of the pipe at all time. The in-pipe robot consists of two mechanical systems, a mobile robot and a maintenance unit, this maintenance unit has attached the redevelopment tools, which by rotating around the inner pipe clean it and restore it. The DISS enables the maintenance unit to expand or compress its six wheeled-legs supporting its structure along the centre of the pipe. By compressing its legs, the wells become activate enabling the unit to move along the pipe with the mobile robot. By expanding its legs, the unit becomes a rigid structure inside pipe, enabling the redevelopment tools to work precisely, by maintaining its position in the centre of the pipe.

Key Words
1 Introduction
2. Dewalop — Developing Water Loss Prevention
3. Dynamic Suspension State of the Art
4. Dewalop In-Pipe Suspension System
5. Dynamical Independent Suspension System (Diss)
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