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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 3rd, (ICMET-China 2011), Volumes 1–3
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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Based on Newton's second law and the generalized coordinates method, a 25-DOF dynamical of RV250A II model by lumped-parameter method was formulated, solved the dynamic equation by Matlab software, results shows that the nature frequency of the reducer will changing at a tiny range with the turning of cycloid. The key nature frequency focus on 172, 801, 2378, 2919, 9801 and 12605Hz, which should be carefully to avoid resonance happen. On the base of multi-body dynamical theory and the working principle of RV reducer, by appropriate simplification, defined the meshing between the involutes planetary gears and the sun gear, the cycloid gear and the pin wheels both as high pair, solid connect the three planet gears and the three crankshafts, define the relation between the three crank shafts and the two cycloid gears as revolving joint, paper established the multi-body dynamics virtual prototype for the RV reducer, with the simulation and the analysis of displacements, velocity, acceleration and force for the key parts of RV reducer, paper investigated the motion, force and vibration rule of crankshaft, cycloid wheel and needle tooth. Simulation results verified that RV reducer drive smoothly, has good load bearing and can working stably with high precision.

Key Words
1 Introduction
2. Dynamic Model and Analysis
3 Dynamic Simulations of the Virtual Prototype
4. Summaries
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