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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering, 3rd (ICSTE 2011)
Mohamed Othman
Mohamed Othman
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Raja Suzana Raja Kasim
Raja Suzana Raja Kasim
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ASME Press
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A low cost water electrolysis cell is designed in order to enhance hydrogen production efficiency. The design is based on the available published literature on different efficiency aspects of electrolytic hydrogen production. Power dissipation of this design is minimized by using a novel physical apparatus Shape. Moreover, the shape, size and the alignment of the electrodes are modified. A pulse width modulation power regulator drives the system to the required current, current density or power for a wide range of unregulated input voltage levels. This feature gives the system the ability to be a part of a larger array of theoretically any number of electrolyzers in order to make the production facility able to run under a vast range of consumable power. The latter mentioned, makes the introduced electrolyzer to be a proper tool of storing the surplus production of different types of renewable energy sources.

Index Ter s
1 Introduction
2. Problem Formulation Optimal Power Flow (OPF)
3. Cubic Lattice Structured Multi Agent Based PSO Approach
4. Implementation of CLSMAPSO for OPF Problem
5. Results and Discussion
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