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BioNano Monographs
Modified Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (mDFA)
T. Yazawa
T. Yazawa
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ASME Press
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The prevalence of cardiovascular disease is rising worldwide. “As the major cause of mortality and morbidity, cardiovascular disease is a true 21st century pandemic,” the European Society of Cardiology pointed out at the ESC 2009 congress, for example. There has been a rapid and reliable diagnosis of the sickness, but we do not have an accurate method—or personal device—to alert individuals who have the disease. Although there are commercially available devices such as “wearable electrocardiogram devices,” they are still in the alpha stage of development for detecting a warning sign. To detect a warning sign of cardiac sickness, I tested detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The aim of this book is to present empirical evidence to engineers who are able to make a device.

1.1 Background

1.2 Reliable Method

1.3 Quantitative Method

1.4 1/f Fluctuation, A Key Concept

1.5 Modified DFA

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