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Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants, Second Edition
Meherwan P. Boyce, P.E.
Meherwan P. Boyce, P.E.
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ASME Press
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Condensers are used in steam turbines to condensate the steam exiting from the steam turbine to water. These condensers are run at a very low vacuum of about 3 in. Hg (about 1.5 psia). The steam entering the condenser usually has a quality of about 92% to 96%, i.e., 8% to 4% liquid in the steam.

Types of Condensers
Condensate Polisher Systems
Available Condensate Polisher Technology
Condenser Fouling
Cooling Towers
Design of Cooling Towers
Chemical Water Treatment for Cooling Towers
Cooling Tower Biological Control
Cooling Tower Scale Control
Corrosion Inhibitors
Development of a Cooling Tower Treatment Program
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