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Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants, Second Edition

Meherwan P. Boyce, P.E.
Meherwan P. Boyce, P.E.
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ASME Press
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This comprehensive Handbook has been fully updated and expanded for the second edition. It covers all major aspects of power plant design, operation, and maintenance. The second edition includes not only an updating of the technology, which has taken great leaps forward in the last decade, but also introduces new subjects such as Carbon Sequestration Technology, Chemical Treatment of Water used in Combined Cycle Power Plants, and extended treatments on Steam Turbines and Heat Recovery Steam Generators. A new Chapter has been introduced entitled, “Case Histories of Problems Encountered in Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants”. This is an extensive treatise with 145 figures and photographs illustrating the many problems associated with Combined Cycle Power Plants and some of the solutions that have enabled plants to achieved higher efficiencies and reliability.

Table of Contents

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