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Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII Pressure Vessels

James R. Farr
James R. Farr
Wadsworth, Ohio
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Maan H. Jawad
Maan H. Jawad
Camas, Washington
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

This is a fully revised and updated fourth edition of a classic guidebook. It covers the current requirements of the ASME Section VIII-1 as well as the requirements of the newly published VIII-2. Whether you are a beginning design engineer or an experienced engineering manager developing a mechanical integrity program, this updated volume gives you a thorough examination and review of the requirements applicable to the design, material requirements, fabrication details, inspection requirements effecting joint efficiencies, and testing of pressure vessels and their components.

Guidebook for Design of ASME Section VIII Pressure Vessels provides you with a review of the background issues, reference materials, technology, and techniques necessary for the safe, reliable, cost-efficient function of pressure vessels in the petrochemical, paper, power, and other industries. Solved examples throughout the volume illustrate the application of various equations given in both Sections VIII-1 and VIII-2.

Table of Contents

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