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Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Volume 2, Third Edition
K. R. Rao
K. R. Rao
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ASME Press
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In Chapter 25, Peter J. Conlisk covers Section X, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels, and ASME RTP-1, Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment. Peter mentions that this chapter is tailored for engineers and designers whose experience with vessels is primarily with metal equipment, although he adds that those with experience using fiberglass equipment but not using Section X or RTP-1 will also find this chapter useful, especially its discussions on fiber-rein-forced plastic (FRP) technology. Section X has been enacted into law in 37 jurisdictions in the United States and Canada, whereas RTP-1, although usable as a Code, has not been enacted into law anywhere; therefore, at present, it is a voluntary Standard. Both Standards govern vessels constructed of thermosetting resin rein-forced with glass fibers, but Section X addresses vessels rein-forced with carbon or aramid fibers as well. The pressure scope of Section X is 15 psig internal pressure and greater, the upper limit depending on the size and construction of the vessel. RTP-1 covers tanks and vessels with design pressures of 0 to 15 psig. Both Standards have provisions for vessels with external pressures of 0 to 15 psig.

Neither RTP-1 nor Section X is meant to be a handbook or textbook on FRP vessel design. Chapter 25 is intended to be a manual on the use of these documents. An engineer who specifies an FRP vessel does not need to understand FRP to the same extent that a vessel designer does; however, in specifying the vessel, an engineer necessarily makes many design choices. Peter discusses the basics of FRP technology; the fabrication methods and stress analysis of FRP vessels; the scope of Section X and RTP-1; the design qualification of Section X, Class I, Class II, and RTP-1 vessels; the design qualification overview; Section X example of a Design Specification and its calculations; RTP-1 design examples; and quality assurance of Section X and RTP-1. He provides equations, tables, and figures as well as annotated bibliographical notes indicating the relevance of the cited references.

25.1 Introduction
25.2 FRP Technology
25.3 Fabrication Methods
25.4 Stress Analysis of FRP Vessels
25.5 Scopes of Section X and RTP-1
25.6 Design Qualifications of Section X and RTP-1 Vessels
25.7 Section X Example: Design Specification
25.8 Section X: Example Design Calculations
25.9 RTP-1: Example 1 Design Specification
25.10 RTP-1: Design Example 2
25.11 Quality Assurance of Section X and RTP-1 Vessels
25.12 References
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