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Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Volume 1, Second Edition
K. R. Rao
K. R. Rao
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ASME Press
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Chapter 16, authored by Charles Becht, IV, covers Power Piping, the ASME B31.1 Code. This chapter is based on the 2004 Edition of the B31.1 Code. This Code was written specifically for power piping; it is intended to cover fuel-gas and fuel-oil systems in power plants (downstream of the meters), central- and district-heating systems; and water and steam systems in power plants. Charles provides exhaustive coverage of the overlapping and interfacing Codes and Standards that Users of the B31.1 Power Piping should be aware of, and he also discusses the applicability of this Code to various applications and systems. His coverage includes cross-references to ASME B&PV Code Sections and to other B31 Codes, as well as to API, AWWA, ASTM, and other pertinent Standards and publications. Also included is the balance of plant piping beyond the block valve(s) that defines the boundary of the boiler, the rules of which fall entirely within the scope of the B31.1 Power Piping Code. Charles distinguishes this Code from Process Piping, the ASME B31.3 Code, as well as from other B31 Codes.

Chapter 16 provides a commentary, discussing the historical perspective of, information about, and sources of the B31.1 Code. With the aid of equations, schematics, figures, tables, and appendices, Charles elaborates on the basics of the B31.1 Code. Topics include design conditions and criteria, including thermal expansion; design for pressure; flexibility analysis; supports and restraints; an overview of materials; components and joints; requirements for specific piping systems; fabrication, assembly, and erection; pressure testing; and nonmetallic piping systems. References are included for each of these topics.

16.1 Background and General Information
16.2 Organization of B31.1
16.3 Design Conditions and Criteria
16.4 Pressure Design
16.5 Limitations on Components and Joints
16.6 Design Requirements for Specific Systems
16.7 Design for Sustained and Occasional Loads
16.8 Design Criteria for Thermal Expansion
16.9 Flexibility Analysis
16.10 Supports and Restraints
16.11 Requirements for Materials
16.12 Fabrication, Assembly, and Erection
16.13 Examination
16.14 Pressure Testing
16.15 Nonmetallic Piping
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