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Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Volume 1, Second Edition
K. R. Rao
K. R. Rao
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ASME Press
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Chapter 5, authored by Richard W. Swayne, describes the general requirements of Section III applicable to all Construction Classes, including concrete structures and steel vessels, piping, pumps, and valves. It identifies how to classify components and describes how the jurisdictional boundaries of Section III define what is within and what is outside the scope of the Code. This chapter includes coverage of Subsection NCA, which pertains to general requirements for both Divisions 1 and 2 of Section III. Division 1 includes steel items such as vessels, storage tanks, piping systems, pumps, valves, supports, and core support structures for use at commercial nuclear power plants; Division 2 includes concrete reactor vessels and concrete containment vessels; and Division 3 includes requirements for the construction of containment vessels for transportation of spent nuclear fuel. The scope of Division 3 also includes storage canisters for spent nuclear fuel and spent-fuel transportation-containment vessels, the requirements of which have not yet been published.

Chapter 5 also explains the use of Code Editions, Addenda, and Code Cases. The requirements for design basis, design and construction specifications, and design reports are described, and the responsibilities and quality assurance program requirements of the different entities involved in nuclear power plant construction—from the Material Manufacturer to the Owner—are addressed. Requirements for ASME accreditation, the application of the ASME Code Symbol Stamp, and the use of Code Data Reports are described. With in-depth information, Richard outlines the basis for exemptions, component classification, load combinations, responsibilities, Certificate of Authorization Holders and Quality System Certificate Holders. Also, Richard provides cross-referencing to other Code Sections and Subsections, such as Sections III and XI, as well as to pertinent Regulatory Guides, such as the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Article NCA-1000 Scope of Section III
5.3 Article NCA-2000 Classification of Components and Supports
5.4 Article NCA-3000 Responsibilities and Duties
5.5 Article NCA-4000 Quality Assurance
5.6 Article NCA-5000 Authorized Inspection
5.7 Article NCA-8000 Certificates, Nameplates, Code Symbol Stamping, and Data Reports
5.8 Article NCA-9000 Glossary
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