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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, 3rd (ICCTD 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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A high-resolution pollen-based bioclimatic reconstruction from Valikhanov section in Kazakhstan, supported by 6 AMS dates reveals vegetation and climate change history during last glaciations and Holocene. The vegetation probably was Artemisia arid steppe during 1¼28,000 - 1¼18,000 14C yr BP., then turned to be Artemisia steppe during 1¼18,000 - 1¼10,000 14C yr BP, an Atermisia-Chenopodiaceae desert steppe during 1¼10,000 - 1¼5,000 14C yr BP and a Chenopodiaceae-Artemisia steppe after 1¼5,000 14C yr BP in this region. Climate is cold and slightly wet during 28,000–10,000 14C yr BP., dry and mild during 10,000–5,000 14C yr BP., wet after 1¼5,000 14C yr BP in this region. Climate in the Central Asian domain was constantly wetter than that in the East Asian domain during MIS2. The Central Asian domain experienced a wetter climate in late Holocene whereas the East Asian domain expereinced a wetter climate in early Holocene. Climate in the Central Asian domain was constantly wetter than that in the East Asian domain during MIS2. The Central Asian domain experienced a wetter climate in late Holocene whereas the East Asian domain expereinced a wetter climate in early Holocene.

Key Words
1 Introduction
2 Physiographic Settings
3 Method
4 Stratigraphy and Chronology
5 Results
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
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