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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, 3rd (ICCTD 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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Human over IP (HoIP) is a prototype implementation of a revolutionary idea of using IP as Human Identification globally, which will not only keep the individuality but will also govern all the communication. This paper not only represents the idea but also elaborate the successfully implemented model. HoIP gives the concept of one IP one human. It provides state organizations with some special privileges so that they can perform efficiently. The system gives the concept of Central Unique Database, and then providing different departments with the only information needed. So the different level of information has been introduced to provide the organizations with the data of their need only, nothing more or less. For security point of view, the data for every part is stored in encrypted form and decryption is performed while retrieving the data from server. Along with the encryption every part is password protected. Administrative unit is the power control of the system. This unit can modify the privileges of any HoIP Licensee such as 1œDisable all privileges1, 1œEnable all privileges1 and to disable or enable some part. The reason for selecting IPv6 is not only to increase the efficiency but the numbers also as its pool is enough to cover the world population. The idea holds potential to leapfrog all the current human identification databases. Applications of this philosophy are beyond our imagination.

Key Words
1. Introduction
2. Human Over IP, HoIP
3. Human Over IP Administrative
6. Summaries
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