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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, 3rd (ICCTD 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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Software testing is considered as a significant process through software development life cycle that can be managed, measured and improved continuously. Test Improvement is often referred to as the continuous improvement of the quality, and the efficiency of the testing process. This approached raised on the basis that an improved test process leads to an improved quality of the product. ISTQB test suite is a well-known recent endeavor describes the process and included activities, furthermore, it introduces few test process improvement models. In the previous paper [1], we presented a new method to improve the ISTQB test process by mapping CTP and TPI NEXT models. In this paper we aim that to evaluate ISTQB test process with TMMI model to determine current maturity level and it's weakness points.

Key Words
1 Introduction
2. ISTQB Test Process
3. Introduce TMMI Model
4. ISTQB Test Process Assessment by Using TMMI Model
6. Summaries
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