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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, 3rd (ICCTD 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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In order to measure the height of exploding object at low-altitude, a location method based on computer vision is proposed. A camera, with its intrinsic parameters calibrated beforehand, is used to take a picture of the exploding light and two point patterns. The two point patterns are used to calibrate the extrinsic parameters of the camera. Centroid method is applied to extract the centre of exploding light and the patterns in the image. The distance from the exploding position to camera is measured on the time difference of arrival of the sound and light generated by the explosion. Then the exploding position is determined on monocular vision principle. Experiment results show that the method has good accuracy and it is simple and convenient.

Key Words
1. Introduction
2. Basic Camera Model of Computer Vision
3. Principle of Location Method
4. Experiment and Discussion
5. Summaries
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