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Advances in Computers and Information in Engineering Research, Volume 1
John G. Michopoulos
John G. Michopoulos
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Christiaan J.J. Paredis
Christiaan J.J. Paredis
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David W. Rosen
David W. Rosen
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Judy M. Vance
Judy M. Vance
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

Product lifecycle management (PLM) provides abundant tools to define products, combines information related to the products, and exchanges such information between different actors in their life cycle. Among these tools, computer-aided engineering (CAE) gives to the designer the opportunity to create and edit a product in a digital format and may supply numerical simulation methods for analyzing functionalities of a product. The main drawback of such simulation lies in two aspects. On one hand, the implementation of a CAE simulation, e.g., finite element analysis (FEA), tends to be a time-consuming process. On the other hand, the interaction opportunities during these simulations remain relatively poor. For example, engineers cannot access intermediary simulation results in order to adjust simulation parameters in an interactive way. This drawback decreases the efficiency of the information flow and tends to influence the process of the PLM in a negative way. Currently, the development of information technologies boosts the emergence of new solutions based on advanced technical equipment that bring the user closer to the scientific data. Virtual Reality (VR) is such a promising domain in which an operator is immersed in a product space characterized by realistic renderings, as well as multi-sensory, and intuitive interactions. Thus, VR technology unseals a terrace with a large variety of potential applications, ranging from massive scientific data explorations, surgical trainings, to virtual prototyping. Within an industrial context, design evaluation of deformable mock-ups in a VR environment could benefit from the introduction of the user into the loop. Moreover, an interactive design validation of such mechanical parts plays an important role in a PLM, specifically during the Product Development Process (PDP), because an interactive deformation simulation in a VR environment enables engineers from different industrial sectors to immerse themselves and to manipulate these digital mock-ups for the purpose of identifying design problems prior to the real prototype phase. The time and costs required for sharing product information among different sectors would be largely reduced, and therefore the efficiency of the design information exchange in a PLM could be considerably increased.

19.1 Introduction
19.2 Motivation
19.3 Background
19.4 Description of the Two-Stage Method
19.5 Results
19.6 Conclusion
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