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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Hydrogen Conference (IHC 2012): Hydrogen-Materials Interactions
B. P. Somerday
B. P. Somerday
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P. Sofronis
P. Sofronis
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ASME Press
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Different dislocation patterns have been created in pure nickel (100) single crystals, in which deuterium was introduced by cathodic charging. Thermal desorption mass spectroscopy has been used to investigate the resulting hydrogen distribution in the generated traps. Ageing has shown a slow desorption process of the deuterium from the lattice and to promote the filling of kinetically slow trap sites. Pre-straining has evidenced an increase of the trapping capacity associated with the dislocation density up to a specific critical strain, above which trapping decreases, due to a redistribution of the dislocations in the walls of the dislocation cells that strongly modify the long distance elastic strain field – deuterium interactions. The straining of pre-charged specimen at different rates reveals the viscous dragging of deuterium by the elastic strain fields induced by the dislocations.

Results and Discussion
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