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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Hydrogen Conference (IHC 2012): Hydrogen-Materials Interactions
B. P. Somerday
B. P. Somerday
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P. Sofronis
P. Sofronis
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ASME Press
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The fretting fatigue strength of SUS304 is more significantly reduced in hydrogen as compared that in air. One of the causes is adhesion between the contacting surfaces and formation of many small cracks. In the adhesion mimicked fatigue test, hydrogen participates in the crack initiation. This is another reason for the reduced fretting fatigue strength in hydrogen. The effect of oxygen addition to hydrogen was also investigated. An increase in the fretting fatigue strength was found in the oxygen-hydrogen mixture. The friction force coefficient is reduced in this mixture as compared to that in pure hydrogen. The critical maximum shear stress range to crack initiation was higher in the oxygen-hydrogen mixture than in pure hydrogen. These are the possible reasons for the increased fretting fatigue strength in the oxygen-hydrogen mixture.

Experimental Procedure
Results of Fretting Fatigue Test
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