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Thermal Power Plant Cooling: Context and Engineering
C. King
C. King
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ASME Press
Publication date:

The cooling systems at steam-electric power plants represent an important element of the total plant cost of electricity due to capital costs, operating costs, and environmental compliance. The choice of cooling system has a significant effect on plant economics because of the effect on plant efficiency and capacity, and this choice can be affected by climate and hydrology. For example, in some cases a cooling tower can operate more efficiently than a once-through system if water intake temperatures are high, and in other cases the opposite can be true.

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cooling System Alternatives
4.3 Cooling System Selection Methodology and Trade-offs
4.4 Cost and Performance Comparisons of Cooling Systems for New Thermal Power Plants
4.5 System Economic Studies of Cooling System Retrofits
4.6 Economic Benefits of Alternative Cooling Technologies
4.7 Nomenclature
4.8 References
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