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Thermal Management of Telecommunications Equipment
Lian-Tuu Yeh
Lian-Tuu Yeh
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Richard C. Chu
Richard C. Chu
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

In the cooling of electronic equipment, liquid cooling is frequently applied to high power electronic equipment because of its high heat transfer capability. Liquid cooling can further be divided into single- and two-phase flow systems. The latter involves phase change processes such as boiling or condensation that greatly increases the heat transfer capability by utilization of the latent heat. In addition, the phase change process takes place at the constant temperature.

9.1 Convection and Boiling Heat Transfer
9.2 Coolant Selection
9.3 Liquid Cooling Technologies
9.4 Industry Trends in Liquid Cooled Electronic Equipment
9.5 System Thermal Design
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