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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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during the injection molding method in which we live, meet the increasing demands of high-quality products and the price is right. Methods of shaping plastic injection molding methods, one of the most widely used in industry is the production of plastic products. So reading about this particular industry mold-making industry can be effective. Modern industry in order to survive and enter the global market has forced the world to use scientific instruments. In this paper, the analysis and evaluation of a particular piece of plastic that are used in everyday life.Software by MPI, the step is considered that the results are presented and reports of academic concepts and theories to be justified.This piece of software that MPI has been studied; the frame is a mobile phone. The reason for choosing this piece, it is widely used today, and since the smallest set of variables into the problem in part, the problems are apparent in the piece. Problems in the flow of molten plastic occurs very, space transmission, or other surface flow of molten plastic is low. For parts with low thickness so far this happening, In addition to having less space for passing this piece of plastic with a melt flow properties of the dough is unique, on the quality of these pieces together in terms of strength and is effective in terms of appearance, including the purpose of this piece should have a smooth surface and is suitable.Various sizes and shapes in the holes that exist in this segment, parameters, including the filling pattern of molten plastic, air holes, and shrinkage of the weld line can bring to the challenge.

1. Introduction
2. Literature
3. Summaries
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