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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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The copy correlation’s detection performance is worse in coherent multipath underwater acoustic channel than in air radio channel. The reason is that the distorted echo causes mismatch to perfect echo. we discuss the auto-correlation (AC), copy correlation (CC) and ideal matched-filter (MF) in uniform theory frame, in which we put forward noisy matched-filter (NMF) and form adaptive pulse to pulse correlation’s (APPC) detection algorithm; In order to contrast performance among the CC, APPC and MF detection algorithm, we do the contrastive experiment in the case of simulating high, low relative velocity and different distance between scaling target and detection system. The simulation experimental results indicate the APPC’s performance is more robust and reliable than the CC’s and in good agreement with the theory analysis.

1. Introduction
2. Matched Filter in Complicated Underwater Channel
3. The Relationship among the AC, CC, APPC and MF
4. The APPC Detection Algorithm
5. Simulation Experimentation
6. Conclusion
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