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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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The objective of this paper is to compare performance between two type of controller for a double inverted pendulum system. Double inverted pendulum is a non-linear, unstable and fast reaction system. DIP is stable when its two pendulums allocated in vertically position and have no oscillation and movement and also inserting force should be zero. The objective is to determine the control strategy that to delivers better performance with respect to pendulum angle’s and cart position. In this paper simple multi PD controller designed on the theory of pole placement and its performance is compared with Linear Quadratic Regulator controller using Matlab and Simulink. The results shows that multi PD controller produced better response as compared to LQR control strategy.

1. Introduction
2. Modeling of Double Inverted Pendulum
3. Design of Linear Quadratic Regulator
4. Design of PD Controller
5. Simulation and Result
6. Conclusion
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