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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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As a developing country, Bangladesh has a rapidly increasing demand of electric power for the development of its socio-economic condition. In the context of Bangladesh, one of the solutions for renewable energy sources is wind energy, especially in coastal areas. For maximum utilization of wind energy, MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) is preferred in implementation of wind farms. Maximum power point tracking increases total power output, thus making the system more cost efficient. MPPT involves estimation of future wind data, working out logical relation between Tip Speed Ratio (λ) and Power Coefficient (Cp). This relation is found to vital as wind farms operate in very agile, dynamic and robust condition. Thus, this paper aims at finding a logical relation between Cp and λ and showing its usage for realizing MPPT. A unique relation between Cp and λ is proposed in this paper in order to investigate power generation without MPPT. A comparison is made with real data to show the effectiveness our approach to find non-optimal generated power as well to.

1. Introduction
2. Data Prediction
3. Esmitation of Power Coefficient
4. Implementation of MPPT
5. Results
6. Summaries
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