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Power Piping
C. Becht
C. Becht
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ASME Press
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ASME B31.1 includes limitations on components and joints in the design chapter, Chapter II. These are contained in Part 3, Selection and Limitations of Piping Components; and in Part 4, Selection and Limitations of Piping Joints. This chapter (5) combines the limitations with pressure design and other considerations, on a component-by-component basis.

5.1 Overview
5.2 Valves
5.3 Flanges
5.4 Fittings, Bends, Miters, and Branch Connections
5.5 Bolting
5.6 Welded Joints
5.7 Threaded Joints
5.8 Tubing Joints
5.9 Miscellaneous Joints
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