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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Green Buildings and Optimization Design (GBOD 2012)
Xie Hao
Xie Hao
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ASME Press
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Traffic rate increase results in a number of negative effects- traffic congestion, deterioration of transport service quality, a decrease in traffic safety, air pollution, higher noise exposure and damaging the environment. These effects are especially recognizable in urban environments. A decision maker and the creator of the urban transport policy are expected to set a strategic framework and an operational model for solving the issues of growing mobility and living environment degradation. Modern approaches in solving the above mentioned issues may be found in the principles of sustainable transport, evolved as a part of the sustainable development strategy. The paper defines the structure of the campaign for promoting sustainable modes of urban transport.

1. Introduction
2. Sustainable Transport
3. The Role of Campaigns-Towards the Sustainable Urban Transport
4. Promoting Sustainable Modes of Transport Through Campaigns
5. Conclusions
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