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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Green Buildings and Optimization Design (GBOD 2012)
Xie Hao
Xie Hao
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ASME Press
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This paper proposes the use of a scientific workflow system to facilitate the implementation of a performance driven design process. The use of a scientific workflow system would enable the architect to customise and automate his/her own workflow for each project. Through this the architect will be able to manipulate the data generated from a performance driven design process efficiently and explore more design options. A simple example is presented to demonstrate the design process proposed. The scientific workflow system, Kepler is used to oversee the design process and it is linked with the 3D modelling program, SideFX Houdini 3D. Lighting simulation program, Radiance and lastly Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is used for the optimisation of the design.

Scientific Workflow System
The Workflow Setup
Application and Case Study
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