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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Green Buildings and Optimization Design (GBOD 2012)
Xie Hao
Xie Hao
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ASME Press
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Traditional Chinese architecture is a beautiful gem in the history of the world’s architecture. After several thousand years of inheritance and accumulation, traditional Chinese architecture is still very appealing today. But under the situation of globalization and the spread of Western influences to the East, the characteristics belonging to our architecture gradually fades away, with the effect and erosion which a dominant cultural has on our architecture. How to better the inheritance of traditional architectural forms, and achieve epoch-making innovation is of great urgency. This paper analyses the above issues mainly from two aspects: first, the inheritance of traditional Chinese architectural forms and second, its innovation, with a view to trying to find a new modern road of traditional architecture development.

1. Overview
2. Modern inheritance of traditional Chinese architectural forms
3. Modern innovation of traditional Chinese architectural forms
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