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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Green Buildings and Optimization Design (GBOD 2012)
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ASME Press
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eBook Chapter
19 Modern Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Landscape Architectural Forms
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Fuhu, Z. "Modern Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Landscape Architectural Forms." International Conference on Green Buildings and Optimization Design (GBOD 2012). Ed. Hao, X. ASME Press, 2012.
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Mankind have never stopped the explanation and reforming of their “homeland”. In today’s society, cities are facing large-scale demolition and relocation, so the recognition of “homeland” is quite important. What do we really need? And what kind of forms is sustainable? This paper starts with the conventional forms of traditional Chinese landscape architecture, explains and answers these questions from three basic forms, and tries to find an ecological and harmonious way for the development of cities that belongs to all the humans in the future.
1 Overview
2 The concept of “unity between human and nature” in landscape architecture
3 Enlightenment of traditional Chinese landscape architectural pattern
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