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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Green Buildings and Optimization Design (GBOD 2012)
Xie Hao
Xie Hao
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ASME Press
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With the public building energy conservation standards as the bases, the whole year energy consumption of a public building was simulated by using the eQUEST software, and the influence degree of the four palisade structure influencing factors (wall heat transfer coefficient, window heat transfer coefficient, area ratio of south window to wall, shading coefficient) on building energy consumption was analyzed by using the Mathematics method--orthogonal test analysis method. The result shows that influences of different factors on energy consumption are different in cooling and heating seasons. The public buildings’ energy conservation measures in this district were comprehensively evaluated.

1 Model Building
2 Experiments and Energy Consumption Simulation
3 Comprehensive Evaluation of Energy Saving Measures
4 Conclusions
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