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Flow Induced Vibration of Power and Process Plant Components: A Practical Workbook
M. K. Au-Yang, Ph.D., P.E.
M. K. Au-Yang, Ph.D., P.E.
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ASME Press
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The motion represented by the equation
or, in more compact complex variable notation,
is called simple harmonic motion. Most vibrations and noise we encounter belong to the category of linear vibration and consist of a linear combination of simple harmonic motions of different amplitudes, frequencies and phases. The frequency of a point mass-spring system is given by:
The frequency in cycles/s, or Hz, is related to the frequency in radians/s by,
The instantaneous velocity and acceleration of a vibrating point mass is given by:
The velocity of propagation of a wave is given by:
Vibrations can be represented in the time domain (time histories) or in the frequency domain (power spectral densities). Both contain the same information.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Free Vibration and Simple Harmonic Motion
2.3 Linear Vibration and Circular Motion
2.4 Vibration Measurement
2.5 Time Domain Representation of Vibration
2.6 Superposition of Sinusoidal Waves
2.7 Random Vibration and Noise
2.8 Frequency Domain Representation of Vibration
2.9 Traveling Waves
2.10 Propagation of Sound Waves
Example 2.1: Tapping Wave Forms from Two Piston Lift Check Valves
2.11 Energy in Sound Waves
2.12 Threshold of Hearing and Threshold of Pain
2.13 The Logarithmic Scale of Sound Intensity Measurement—The Decibel
2.14 The Decibel Used in Other Disciplines
2.15 Case Studies
Case Study 2.1: Forced Vibration of Nuclear Reactor Components by Coolant Pump-Generated Acoustic Load
Case Study 2.2: Detecting Internal Leaks in a Nuclear Plant
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