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BioNano Monographs
Biocompatible Nanomaterials for Targeted and Controlled Delivery of Biomacromolecules
D. Kapoor
D. Kapoor
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S. Dhawan
S. Dhawan
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ASME Press
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Development of a nanomedical product is a complex process that may involve great deal of time, expenditure and resources [119]. Nanomaterials are difficult to handle due to their small size, surface charges and interactive nature. The small size of nanoparticles may result in acceleration or delay in their intended action. They may also accumulate non-specifically in certain tissues after administration. The nanoscale product development process may require various developmental trials, evaluation parameters and feasibility studies. The synthetic process may turn out to be long and tedious requiring number of components to be added as ingredients or intermediates. Their processing and characterization require sophisticated equipment, machinery and instrumentation demanding considerable technical skills and scientific knowledge of the operator. These and various other complexities present challenges such as lower yield, increased cost, difficult scale-up and manufacturing, tedious characterization, special storage requirements, poor stability and complicated regulatory issues [120].

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