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BioNano Monographs
Biocompatible Nanomaterials for Targeted and Controlled Delivery of Biomacromolecules
D. Kapoor
D. Kapoor
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S. Dhawan
S. Dhawan
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ASME Press
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The development or selection of a suitable bionanomaterial needs fundamental and conceptual understanding of tissue-material interactions, blood-material interactions as well as biocompatibility and biodegradation behavior. These interactions represent the extent of cellular host responses against the foreign material and injury caused at the injection site. It may be said that weaker the host responses, stronger the biocompatibility of guest material. Thus, to have a better insight into the in vivo behavior of nanomaterials, it becomes pertinent to briefly discuss these interactions. For a detailed account of the same, the reader may please refer to a couple of interesting reviews by Rihova and Anderson et al. [10, 11]. The actual progression of events, as they occur, is reproduced from ref. 11 in Table 2-1.

2.1 Tissue response
2.2 Blood response
2.3 Cellular response
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