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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 5th (ICACTE 2012)
Xie Yi
Xie Yi
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ASME Press
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In this paper, the research and development of forest tenure reform data gathering system is based on Windows Mobile, PDA as its hardware, though develop of embedded program to solve the practical problems and meet the needs of forest tenure reform. The system gives full play to the map editor, map processing, GPS navigation and data collection and storage capabilities. In order to achieve the mobile management of vector data that investigates in open fields, it combines with related technology of geographic information system. This can improve the open fields capture from simple characteristic data gathering to characteristic and space data gathering together according to the actual conditions of the forest reform investigation. Promote the data collection efficiency and improve data accuracy and security.

1. Introduction
2. The Introduction of Related Technologies
3. Design for Forest Tenure Reform Data Gathering System
4. System Function
5. Conclusion
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